
The script of the film
Its me, my God
(One of you)

Viktor Kraker,

(The cross is lying on the ground.) CU of a nail put to a Jesus palm (His hand is slack and dirty. Soldiers big, rough hand with a golden ring. A nail shines in the sun.) A stroke of a hammer on the blue sky. Jesus face. The first clear beat of hammer is heard, his features are distorted, he is crying. With every stroke of hammer we see the following:
- a flock of white birds flying up
- a hare, frightened, turns his head to us
a tiger, pricks up its ears, turning to the camera
a Negro in jungle, at mourning delight
an Indian at prairie, looking at the sky, camera flies over him, draws to his face, eyes and we dissolve to:
an ascetic sitting at lotus, a tear rolls down by his face,
an eagle attacks his victim.
They begin to nail both of his hands, hammering and moans make a strange music. At this moment camera is directed straightly to the sun (Jesus POV). The screen is slowly covered by red eyelids. During this we hear a voice: ...Every strike of hammer was accordant to the beat of my heart. And this horrible and divine music of metal and my crying seemed to be endless as the struggle between good and evil.
The scenery consists only of sand and stones. The cross with Jesus is raised with creak. Sinewy soldiers pull it with strings. Their heels dig in the ground. Exertion on their faces, muscles, veins. A little boy breaks from the crowd to help them. The next moment the cross is shown from below, so that only the huge cross and blue sky can be seen. It rises over the world like an institution of new morality, like a warning to all prophets and people. Faces of the crowd rise, following the cross. Then camera is directed to the sun again (Jesus POV). It goes though the sky to a crowd of people as the cross is raised.
Different faces are shown closely. During this we hear Jesus voice: All this people looked at me so as they were waiting for a miracle, but I knew I was only one of them
The voice continues: My name is Emmanuel, but Im known as Iesus
The screen grows to the red and then dissolves to the next scene:
MEDIUM CU: a street of Jewish settlement, night, rain, a figure of woman wrapped in a cloak. She goes along the street and knocks to shut windows and doors, but nobody let her in. The prosperous houses gradually change to poor huts. At the end an old wrinkled Jewess with trembling hand sends her to the Josephs house, motivating that he is kind and alone. (Her voice is old and creaky.)
At this scene voice behind the screen tells:
Maria is at the Josephs door. (His house is old, light goes through slits in the walls.) CU of her hair, feet (she is barefoot), her hand knocking at the door. It isnt locked and opens from her push, as it opens slowly a light from the fireplace falls on Marias face. She is frightened a little and stares with distrust.
Joseph is sitting by the table, his side to us, and making a cradle. He turns to the door and stares to the beautiful girl. Stands up slowly without a word, takes Maria by her elbow and closes the door after her.
He takes her wet cloak off. Now she is naked and, as we see, pregnant. Her belly is shown (Josephs POV from above).
They are sitting at the table with one candle on it (Maria is wrapped in a shabby blanket or something like this). He pours a cup of milk. She takes it with both hands, drinks. Joseph tells her: You stay this night here, but tomorrow you go away where you come from. She looks down. Joseph blows the candle off. The screen darkens.

The voice over the screen: Josephs ancestors came from Babylon. Many of world religions and cultures have met there and all their wisdom was in Josephs blood. Side by side there lived Zoroastrians and Mitraists, Jewish and Arabians, Greek and Hindu, Armenians and Sumer. Macedonians passed by, marching to India, propagating Greek philosophy, and returned, carrying knowledge of this country.

On the screen we see Greek troops, going to the right on the BG of Greek columns and other pieces of architecture.
CU of beautiful Greek statue changes with CU of tough soldiers faces, their armour, whirls of sand in the road.
Another CU (medium): their disorganized groups with Hindu prisoners return.
Among prisoners are rich men with their own slaves round of them and poor beggars.
Camera selects on one of them swarthy ascetic with gray hair. His face is full of light. He isnt looking like a prisoner, but a child, interested, inspired, full of world harmony. The words about knowledge of India fall to this moment.
CAMERA moves into a tight CU of his face. His eyes are as blue as the sky. The screen dissolves to the blue. And on this blue sky a white dove fly.
As it fly we hear the words: If all the people were as good as Joseph there were no need in me. (Amen!) The screen turns to black, the bird is flying further until it dissolves in the black.
Then documentaries change each other (in black-and-white), among them are:
an explosion of nuclear bomb;
11 september-planes, running into skyscrapers;
parades of nazis (by Leni Riefenstahl);
shots of different wars (The First and Second World Wars, Vietnam...);
tortures of the Inquisition;
concentration camps.

Josephs dream proceeds: on the black BG a dim figure, outlined by the light behind it. Light also makes an aureole around its head. Figure may belong to Maria. Male voice says something like this: This child is given to you and her by the God. He will save the world. It is time to sacrifice your good name and peoples opinion. At this moment the thunder is heard.

Over black screen a creak is heard.
MEDIUM CU: as he opens his eyes, the room lightens, a new cradle and his bed can be seen.
Camera moves to the door and shows the scene from his dream: The dark figure of the girl stays at the doorway, lightened from behind. The rising sun getting in straightly though the open door makes a round over her head.
Camera is again directed to Joseph, lifting from his bed. He is stands up, staring at the girl.
She steps outdoors, dissolving in the light.
Joseph stretches his hand, calls her back: Maria!
CU of Marias face, turning to back.
CU of her eyes. The situation seems unexpected to her.
CU of Josephs eyes, looking at her.
The more tight CU of Marias eyes
Josephs eyes.
On this scene we hear: From that moment I had two fathers. And speaking about one I mean another.

The camera is behind the rank of marching legionaries so as the sight of one of them. Enemy arrows fly over them, hitting shields, men
Enemy soldiers attack with fierce, wild shouts. They wear skins, rough shirts, plaits, moustaches, beards. Mostly dark-haired. Armed with swords, spears, cudgels.
Battle stages.
CU of Emmanuels face. He hacks his way through the crowd as a fearless legionary. Now he strikes somebody with a sword, goes further, reflects an attack, pierce a stomach of a man, who bends so that his face appears just before Jesuss eyes. He stare unconsciously, blood shows out of his mouth. Emmanuel just throws him aside by his shield and heads forward.
Some brutal, bloody stages. Not romantic. The fear of the soldiers on both sides is shown.
Medium shot: legionaries gathering gold, weapon of barbarians on the battle-field. Some of it is piled and put to a carriages, some goes to soldiers. This is the background, on which we see Jesus, wondering with face.
Scene: a battle of a rat and a crow for the human body.
Their chief approaches to Jesus, claps him on shoulder friendly, armour rattles: Hey, we made them! Our losses are few! They consider themselves people! I saw, what they did with our captive soldiers! But we have done a good work today and we must have a good rest!
Medium CU: night, camp, Romanians enjoy themselves one of them tells a spicy story, others laugh. Some bury their friends.
Emmanuel is sitting aside, alone, cutting some wooden figure. After the pause he says to it: You will be good. Ill not send you to this massacre
In the sunrise. The sunlight lays on the battering-rams, the ranks of legionaries. Fat captain before them speaks with squeaky voice: Warriors of The Great Rome! On the left of him is a handsome, pretty boy, both astride. The words of the fat man are broadcasted by a muscular, robust Romanian in armor.
The armor of the captain shines like its made of gold, colored feathers and brocade make him resemble a turkey A wart on his face.
His boy wears blue with erotic elements.
The warrior, speaking to the soldiers, has a strong bass, clear diction and expressive speech:
Warriors of the Great Rome! We have beat this savages, this blood-thirsty barbarians, which dont want to live in the community of civilized nations. Weve made our motherland more great and more prosperous, weve made this victory not sparing our blood and our lives
The fat man looks satirical, his speech is written on a sheet of paper. He even dont understand what he is reading. But the words of the legionary are impressive.
Camera shows faces of the soldiers. Old warriors are severe, one young face in tears.
The speech proceeds:
Sons of the Great Rome! Now we see the last lair of that snakes enemies of all the humanity. Lets teach this the last lesson! The God with us! The victory with us!
Captain is surprised: Thats all? Who was that wise man, who wrote that? Legionary repeats: Thats all, but the fat man stops him: Shut up! Soldier is in confusion, captain goggles and fingers: Oh? My God, with whom do we go to the war Add from me: half of what you get in this town you can take. You can also with women, and not only with women He glances at his boy.
Soldiers salute their commander (Caesar?). Swords and spears lift up to the sky. Commander with his suite turns and goes to rear. Battering rams storm the walls of the town, soldiers burst into it. Battles on the streets. Emmanuel takes part in them. Romans gain a victory.
Emmanuel witnesses a girls assault. To the assaulter (violator?) comes another soldier and tells about sin and Mithra. He stands up and kills him. He is about to kill the woman when Emmanuel challenges and kills him. He founds that several men were looking at them, some support him, some the killed soldier. In a fight between them Emmanuels friends win. When they go away the woman cries: Take me with you, please, all of my family are dead! The woman has dark tousled hair and is wrapped into a piece of cloth.
Four soldiers with the woman walk along the streets of the conquered town. The victory is celebrated. Everybody is drunk, mens laugh & womens crying is heard.
Night, camp. A fat officer notices the woman: What a nice girl! grabs her hand and drags off somewhere. When she resists, the fat man beats her, she falls and he takes her by her leg. At this moment Emmanuel bars his way with words: August, this woman is at our stake today and gives some gold thing to him as a pay. The fat answers: An order was: no women in the camp, if she is a spy, Ill hang you both! Emmanuel agrees. Officer goes to the dark of night.
The five sit round the fire. Emanuel says to the girl: Youve heard this She clasps him in her hands, crying: Dont leave me, please! You are like brothers to me, Ill dye for you! Somebody pours a cup of vine: Calm. Drink this. Well dress you like a boy, cut your hair, and youll be as our errand-boy.
Day. Roman ranks march along the road, among them the four friends with a girl in disguise. In the distance we can see a burning town. Along the road some tens of people are crucified. Emmanuel asks one of his friends: who are they?
- Deserters-mithraists. This is a new religion. They say, it came from Persia, but many Romans belong to it.
- What is this religion about?
- Ill tell you in the evening.
Column goes away in the distance.
Night. Emmanuel awakens soldier, who promised to tell about Mithra. All they go out of the camp and make a little fire. When firing the brushwood the soldier speaks: Mithra is a god of light.
They say, he was born long ago in India. His birthday is the day of winter solstice, the 25 of February. He was born in the rock, and animals came to worship him: the Eagle, the Calf and the Lion. To celebrate his birthday people ate bread and drunk vine. Mithra fought with the evil on the Earth and won in this fight. When he died, he ascended to the heaven. And those who live as he taught, they can see him night and day. When they die, hell take then to the sky
Emmanuel asks: How does he know what is good and what is evil? And how do YOU know this?
- My father told me about it, he was Persian. Father told me, that there is no good and no evil in the Nature, the Nature is our god. The deer is not to blame that it is deer, the wolf is not to blame it is wolf. If wolves wont live by killing, theyll dye, so they are created by the god and they have no choice. But the people have one. And people often fall lower then wolves, as wolves dont kill their mates and they dont enjoy scoffing the victim. Mithra new that and his weapon was against those who can kill for the gain or lust. Thats why Mithra was born with a sword in his hand. He appealed people to live in peace and stood up for this peace.
Thats why I became legionary. But now I understand my mistake. We are not fighting for the good ideas, Caesars direct us to the Massacre to increase their treasury. This is what for we have to overstep our conscience. But what a profit to conquer the whole world, when youve lost your sole?
Several soldiers come to the fire, put a brushwood and sit near.
He proceeds: Mithra said that there cant be any superior above any man to tell him what to do or to send him kill and rob.
Teller takes some painted plate out of his bag and shows a portrait of a man in white clothes with a sword in one hand. Another hand points to the sky. An aureole is round his head. In the corners of the plate there are an eagle, a lion, a bull and a winged child.
Flame plays on the plate. Silence. Its broken by the cry: What a mob! Go to sleep quickly!
Emmanuel is lying on his bed thoughtful, a fire reflects on his face. At this moment an alarm begins in the camp. He runs out of a tent and sees the teller, dragged by a group of soldiers.
Day. Again columns of soldiers are marching by the road. They pass the crucified teller, dead already. The girl weeps. Emmanuel says to her: Ill leave tomorrow. Leave the army.
- And if they catch you?
- So it be
- Theres some soldiers who listened to Essay yesterday, theyre going to leave the army also.
Night. To the Emmanuels tent enter a soldier with the only word: Go! Emmanuel asks: How much of you there are?
- Twelve with you, not counting the girl.
All they take horses in a stable and ride away. In some settlement they change their horses to food.
Some years later.
The gate of the yard open and some boy cries: There some strangers came! They say to preach a gods word Two similar girls, sitting with some work, ask with anvancing smile: Are they pretty?
Guests stand on a high stony ground, the villagers sit before them. The very girls ask: And why there are no women in your band, do you need women? Nobody listens to them, so they are in awkward position. Emmanuel begins: My father sent me to the Earth to tell the truth, and the truth says A robust man stands up enraged: Have you a right, stranger, to set your order is our village, have you a right to speak! Emmanuel answers calmly: The truth is simple like everything around us, like Im a son of the god and you are his children. It is said in the Holy Writ: eye for an eye, but I say to you: if you are slapped on one cheek offer another.
The same sturdy man darts off his seat: Now we try this! He raise to strike a blow, but his hand is cached by Peter. He isnt appeased: All of you saw this blasphemers, well do as our fathers taught: Eye for an eye! Banish them away!
An enraged old woman runs for them with a cane. Someone of the twelve is beaten by the crowd. Children throw stones in them. Its heard: Go away! Blasphemers! Demons! Stones follow them. One reaches Judas leg. He catches it and sends away. The fly of stone is shown. It aims straight to the sturdy mans head, who sinks on the ground like a bag of shit. Blood strings from his head to the stones. Cry of an old woman: They killed him!!! Juda commands: Run!
They run in a grove where Maria wait for them, sit on horses, scoot away. Beautiful music sounds. Horsemen and landscapes are shown, close up of their faces: they exchange glances with a smile. Cheerful and pure eyes. Hair and manes flutter. Hoofs close up. Gradually the landscape with skipping passes to a decline.
Emmanuel sits in darkness, making fire, his friends one by one come to it, he tells someone: I must stay alone for sometime. Takes a blanket and leaves. The newcomer asks: where did he go? Peter speaks: Who knows, goodness knows, maybe for the revelation. Judah speaks: all this is good, but have we anything to eat? Peter: Judah, there is nothing except lizards to eat.
- I dont mind lizards.
- Well in that case go on a hunt, and we fraternally shall share with you: to me a tail, and you the rest.
All loudly laugh.
The moonlight, naked Emmanuel lays on the ground, looks at stars. Mouths something, from his unblinking eyes tears run. Then he rolls, wraps himself with a blanket and turns to a stone, a part of a landscape, a color of blanket is gray-blue, as well as stones around. Silence. Only moans, or sobbings can be heard.
Morning. All twelve with Maria rise uphill. Some beautiful foreshortenings, shooted from the helicopter. Close up: legs barefooted or in sandals go by stones. At the top of the mountain is a platform. From its height the landscape looks as if it is the highest mountain in the world.
Everyone take seats on a circle. Emmanuel rises and speaks: today a vision came to me: Essay met me among stars and embraced me, and I have embraced him, and we cried, and I was him and he became me.
And he gave me his name - Essay. He also spoke, that everyone who will love me, between us will be named Essay. He has shown me a way to desert.
And I went to the desert and sat there.
For the first I saw the camel. It told me: Essay, I know, what you want, and if you're really the son Divine make the daily bread from a stone of your wisdom. And my stomach echoed to this.
But my answer was: not only bread gives life to me, but every revelation of God. I asked it to give me his endurance. The camel shared with me his power and led me to the synagogue roof.
There I reflected on my utility in this world. And on the edge of the roof I saw a lion. The lion told me: if you're really the son Divine there you should have no fear. Jump, for angels will catch you till you reach the ground. I answered him: I know your power and your courage and your boldness, but I don't want them to dispose my destiny, but the God almighty can do it. The Lion pointed to the highest mountain of the world.
I stayed there alone, and saw my double in rich clothes and he told me: all empires of the world will be yours if you will worship me. And he showed me strange animals, splendid gardens, golden cities and beautiful women, but the child wake up in me and asked fondly: what for to you all this if you may lose soul? I told to my double: Go away, my greed, my selfishness, let me be ridiculous among people, but the child who lives in me, I like more, than all riches of the earth. For in the childhood I loved genuinely - my mother, my father, people, but most of all - to dream. I had no equal in this. The child said to me: if I'll live in you, you will possess the kingdom of heaven.
Serious faces of Emmanuel's followers are shown on a circle one by one. He continues: brothers, for a long time we wonder, but nobody joined us. How did we affect on minds, souls of people? Everywhere we were exile and nobody listened to us. For we have neither clothes, nor bread to help people. And this is the only thing which is necessary to them.
But we may present them a miracle. All look on Emmanuel, bewildered.
- Why do not ask, what miracle?
Everyone is silent. Close up of someone's hand with uncoupled fingers, palms upwards. Emmanuel, claps his hands: and a miracle is simple - a miracle of healing. I know, that three of you before the army were actors, we shall go on cities and arrange stages of healing. For example: I with Peter enter the city, others are already there. I read the sermon after that someone of you shouts: and now you prove, that you the God's son! And here appears Judah crooked and soiled. Foma and Andrew jump aside from him: we know him, he is leprous! The crowd parts around him. I easy walk to him, Judah stammers: My God, purify me. Here I touch his forehead, and he is already healthy, kneels to me, shouts: My God! and the rest of us, dissolved in crowd, starts: It's a miracle! He is really saint! Look! That's all a miracle.
And people will follow us. And we can already preach to them.
What do you think, Judah, can you?
Close up of Judah: why not? I've played worse roles.
Peter rises indignant: Brother, do you want lead the mankind to happiness fraudulently? But what did you taught us? Be afraid of the God! If you will not abandon your plan, I shall renounce you! Emmanuel speaks, with severe face: This is our unique chance.
- Chance? What chance!
- Chance to change the world to the best to make paradise on the Earth.
Andrew rises: you lead us to the wrong way. What you are doing, brother, this is disgusting to the God. Emmanuel angrily clenches fists, loudly and nervously explains: What God? When in one peoples sacrifice small children, cutting off their heads, they too esteem the God. If you want to hear, what I think of the God - listen: the Wolf, killing a deer does not make evil, for the God has created it so. And if wolves wouldn't devour deers, they will become extinct. The god is a harmony. He is neither malicious, nor kind. The world of people is the same as animal world, but it is even worse because even wolves do not exterminate other wolves, do not chop off their heads and do not crucify them on the crossroads. Wolf does not enjoy, reeling up guts of his dead fellow on a paw. People are worse than animals. And who is against the Nature, he is against the God. You, people, have set up a lot of dogmas, which I want to destroy. But me alone is not equal to a task. The God sees, for the blessing of all people I go on deceit.
After his speech Emmanuel sits down on a stone. Peter and Andrew stay standing. Peter says: brothers, we, probably, shall go. Emmanuel raises his head, speaks: we shall go to the lake all together, you should not make hotheaded decisions.
The lake. Someone from apostles sits on a coast. A sunny day. Peter and Andrew fish on a boat. The gold scales shine and play in the sun. Peter says to Andrew: brother, see, this is riches! Better than any gold. The camera drives off and smoothly passes on sitting on a coast among stones Foma and Judah. Foma chews a stem and speaks: I had a wife, and a good house of stone and a big farm: cows, sheep, hens ... I lived like in paradise. And you, Judah, had you your own household? Judah is silent. Camera, even doesn't show him. You never listen to me, Judah. He glances at Judah and sees that he threw back his head and is looking upwards. Foma looks there and sees an eagle circling in the sky. Foma speaks: it's like Emmanuel, flies in heavens, reads ideas and prays of all people, all there is visible to it. Judah: flies seeking, what to eat, maybe it looks on us. Looks, thinking, alive we are or dead. Foma: I do not believe you, Judah, your thoughts are strange, what did you think, looking at this eagle?
- It is circling - this means a rain.
- Oh, I do not believe you, Judah!

Emmanuel walks in a grove. Goes towards noise of a waterfall. Cautiously approaches to a branch of a tree, inclines it and sees Maria bathing under a falls. He stares at her, she is beautiful. He admires to her. The camera shows fragments of her beauty. May be any music plays. But their eyes suddenly meet, Emmanuel takes his eyes off, turns away and slowly goes away. Maria runs, covers her shoulders by coverlet and calls him: Emmanuel! He goes further. Essay! - he stops, turns to her and they embrace. Both are sad, with tearful eyes. Maria: I love you! Emmanuel: I love you too.
- Be with me, please, I ask you
- I can not. How can I leave my brothers.
- Why you always think of others and never think of yourself. We will make a family, we will find a beautiful place and we will live near the see. We will have beautiful and clever children.
Emmanuel weeps, they stand silently. The thunder rumbles, the rain begins, they nestle close to each other, their wet clothes look transparent, as if they are naked. The camera drives off, gradually they become a point among a huge world landscape.
Night. Apostles sit at a fire, frying fish. Andrew speaks to Emmanuel: Me and Peter probably weren't right, when argued with you about the God. What you spoke of it, this is closer to the truth. But this is the good place and is a lot of fish there, and we have decided to stay here, find wives and to live by fishing. The fish is good here, isn't it? Emmanuel: Yes, the fish here is good. And place is beautiful. And maybe I want to stay here, and catch a fish, but souls of people is more interesting to catch.
The fire crackles, sparks fly in the starry sky, crickets sing. They eat a fish in silence. Peter, having filled his stomach, claps on it: Well I've eaten enough! Even overeaten. Now probably I can not look at a fish for the whole week. Judah: What did you say? And I thought, I shall stay here with you. To catch fish. And you dont want to look on it. Not guys, you can stay where you want, and I shall go with Emmanuel. And when you overeat fishes, it is a simple matter to die! Everyone laugh.
- Judah is right, we shall not stay here, let's go to catch human soles all over the world. Like butterflies are caught by nets. But what shall we do with them?
- We will force them to catch fish!
All laugh loudly.
Emmanuel speaks: tomorrow we shall enter city, Judah must ascertain if there is quietly and is no Romans. Does everyone remember the roles? Simon and Jacob - you will be blinds, Mathew - weak. The day before the sermon we must find friends among local under various pretexts and lead them to the market place. There we dissolve in crowd. Peter and Judah will be with me.
Night. Jesus dozes at a fire. The camera stops on a fire and the scene dissolves to Emmanuel's dream.
Music, a rich hall, the woman dances, movements of hands of legs and eyes are attractive. A self-satisfied sight of Irod sitting on a throne. The big bed, Irod strokes her and speaks: ask me everything what you want, all the riches of the world to you, only be mine. Skittish girl speaks: darling, I want, you to present me John Baptist's head on a dish. Irod shouts, frightened: No!
Jesus wakes up from this shout and opens his eyes, anxious.
Morning. Sandy landscape. Judah in a black, long cape approaches to the city. City - as an oasis. Birds sing, strings run, children play, men laugh, a guy flirts with a girl, she smiles. Judah passes by, noticing all this. Close-up of Judahs eyes. Beautiful, decorative flowers. Judahs barefoot feet walking easily and cautiously. His sight stops on the chopped off head on a stake. He passes it, approaches to playing children and asks: who was he? Children smiling shrug shoulders, one speaks: now I shall go to the grandmother and ask her. But creaky voice of the old woman forestalls: it is John Baptist executed for sorcery and blasphemy. Judah sees the old woman sitting near the white house. He raises his eyes on a head and a strong gust of wind takes off his coat, which flies towards the top of the stake. The strong wind raises sand. A pot of milk falls somewhere. John's head with fluttering hair is shown close up, it looks proudly against wind (on a background of the sky with running clouds). Judahs black coat flutters, on a stake as two wings. Children run home. Judah approaches to a column, stretches a hand to his coat, but the wind picks up it's laps and covers John's head. At this moment the wind stops. Judah stays with the stretched hand. Then he steps back, crosses himself, turns away and runs.
They bypass this city silently, hanging their heads, someone leads a donkey, on which Maria is sitting and weeping. All are dusty, tired, hardly move their legs. All the company disappears among barchans.
The cities square near the market. One artisan speaks to another: Ive heard today, that in our city will come Jesus, who can heal people. They say he is the God's son. And his mother was virgin and conceived him being chaste. They say many people were cured. And having a power from the God, he speaks the words opposite to our Holy Writ.
- And what exactly?
- He is against revenge, against the rule "eye for eye", and he says: if you are struck on one cheek - offer another, speaks, that rich can't get to heaven.
While they talk, people gather around, listen, one of them asks: today? And where?
- Yes, it will be here.
Someone from the crowd shouts: He is going! The crowd rumors, everyone run to see the miracle. To this time cripples and priests gather on the square.
Jacob and John, carrying Judah on stretcher go out from the crowd. John addresses to Emmanuel: My Lord, please, cure our brother! Jesus approaches to a stretcher. Close up of Judah, and a shadow of Emmanuel's hand crossing him. Emmanuel takes him by shoulder with words: stand up, brother. Your sins are forgiven. Judah rises: My Lord, thank you for the help! Emmanuel speaks: take your bed and go home. Joyful John and Jacob embrace Judah and leave, forgotten a stretcher. A sigh of astonishment goes through the crowd.
Here a rich man asks Jesus: I've heard, that rich will not get to the Kingdom of Heaven. Emmanuel answers: give your riches out to beggars and you will have riches on heavens. Continues more loudly, as though for all: truly I speak you, that rich difficultly enter the Heaven, it is more convenient to a camel to pass through a needle eye, rather than rich - in the Kingdom of Heaven.
Do not collect treasures on the Earth where moth and rust exterminate and thieves steal, but collect treasures in the sky, for where is your treasures, there is your heart. Do not care, what you will eat and what you put on, for the sole is more than food - and the body is more than clothes. Look at birds heavenly, they don't sow, don't reap, do not collect in granaries, but the Father feeds them. Aren't you - better than them? Study Nature, look at field lilies they don't spin, but even king Solomon, in his best clothes looked worse than each of them. So search for the Kingdom of Heaven and for the truth of the God. Do not care of tomorrow's day for tomorrow will care of itself. Each day has enough care.
The rich man bends down, lifts his face and speaks: I had never feel so easily in my heart, as after your words. Thank you, Jesus for you healed me. Rises and announces: everyone who is hungry, can come to my house. Jesus claps him on a shoulder and all crowd, basically cripples, parasites and idlers leave the square. Only those, who cant move stay there.
The garden round a rich house, the same people eating. In the center - Jesus. He rises and approaches to the priests: why don't you join them? This question perplexes them: But you see, you eat and drink with publicans and sinners! Jesus: seriously? Looks at them. Close up: drunker swills wine, one-legged man embraces the thick woman... Emmanuel turns to the Pharisees: ah yes, not healthy have need in the doctor, but ill. For I have come to call not righteous, but sinners for a repentance.
Here the rich man with the kind face approaches to him and speaks: my daughter is sick. She should be cured. Jesus speaks: where is she? They go together, apostles follow them. They enter the house where the girl lays lit by candles. Noticing Emmanuel she only opened her eyes, a tear rolls by her cheek. Father: "I will pay you" - holds out a bag of money. Jesus: not all can be bought for money, but by a word divine I shall help. Father: she does not speak, and does not hear. Emmanuel sits on her bed, takes her hand, inclines to the girl and whispers something to her ear. She closes her eyes, he stands up. The girl lies with a radiant smile. Everyone is surprised. Emmanuel leaves the house.
Day, desert. Jesus is followed with many people. A voice behind the screen: News about me traveled on all Judea, a lot of people went for me and for my pupils. All of us named each other brothers and dreamed of city of brotherly love.

Entrance to Jerusalem. Jesus is sitting on a donkey. The road is laid with coats of different colors and green branches. The crowd shouts: Hosanna! The son of David! Long live Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth!

Jesus enters into a temple and sees, people trading grapes, pumpkins, furs, pigeons etc. Speaks: That you have made of a temple! A den of robbers and shopkeepers. Go out! Opens a cage with white pigeons and lets them off. Judah grabs a basket with eggs and throws them in tradesmen. Apostles overturn tables, throw down melons, rags, and push out all shopkeepers. People support them, everyone scans: hosanna! In a crowd red coats prevail.
Pharisees approach to him with some woman. The crowd continues to scan. One of the Pharisee with blinked eyes asks: teacher, she it is taken in adultery. The crowd calms down, everyone departs from them, forming a circle. He points with a finger into the book: and Moses commanded to us to beat them with stones. What you will tell now? The crowd is silent. Jesus looks at people. Close up of their faces waiting for the answer. Among them - children, old men, young beautiful women. Priests, closing the book, ask him again. Jesus speaks loudly: if someone of you here is without a sin, let him be the first to throw a stone. The crowd dissipates from the square.
There stay only Jesus and the woman. She sits in black clothes on yellow sand, leaning on one hand, her face is hidden in her hair. Jesus approaches to the woman, inclines and speaks: look, where are your prosecutors? They've gone all. Nobody has condemned you. And I do not condemn. Go, and henceforth do not sin. She rises and goes. Stops, turns around, (close up of her eyes), but there is nobody already. Only a wind blows through the deserted street.
Jesus sits in a white coat, alone. Maria, sits down near him, then Peter sits down beside. All three are silent. Approaches Judah and speaks: Emmanuel, some man asked for you. He said that he wants only to look at you. Emmanuel rises and goes in darkness. He sees dim distant light of a candle, in the darkness - as a star in the dark sky. We feel his step, while he is going towards the light. He goes closely and closely, faster and faster, till he reaches the old man with long gray hair in rich clothes with wise face. Two women with him, one of them holds the candle. The man is shown at first by the large plan, then - a portrait, and then - eyes. Emmanuel cries: Father! Approaching to the old man, falls on knees and embrace him, sobbing loudly. The old man puts hands to his shoulders, strokes his head, lifts him: at last I have found you! Emmanuel rises, they embrace.
The house. Emmanuel and his father sit at the table, on which is nothing except a candle. Father appeals to the son: I like Maria. She is very good woman. But I want, to speak to you. I see, what you want to make for people, I've heard your speeches on the square. And you speak wise words, but it is not pleasant to some people. Your words destroy their conceptions about life. Will people want to go after you? And who has the right to decide for them, what it is good, what is bad? I want to ask you, whether you realized, what way you are going? I know, that you became Essay, but know, how they live. They live in harmony with each other, but reject a marriage, they do not have children. I think, that man may have other way, he should find a golden mean. What do you think, son?
Father, I can not go another way. It is not pleasant to me, that essays do not have posterity, I know, that it - an extreme measure, I know, that it is alien to a nature, therefore I am here. My heart is overflown with love to people, and, at the same time, with the feeling of justice, and it boils strong, so that if I couldn't speak, I would take a sword. But the god has disposed so, that I have replaced a sword with a word. I want to create a city where will be no poor no rich where will be no envy and rage where people will not kill and steal, will not rape women where all will be as brothers and sisters. And even if this city would be rather poor, I am sure that it would be the happiest city on the ground.
Joseph's face is lit by a candle, as he listens to the son, tear rolls down by his cheek: son, I am proud of you. What has opened to you in 30 years, I begin to understand now. Maybe what you are doing, is the only thing to live for. But here, in Judea traditions are very strong, babies are killed, sacred is prohibited to draw, and they consider themselves to be in God's favor, and they hardly will follow you. But there is no sense to a candle to burn under a table, but on a table it shines to all. Father rises, and walking around of an oval table, speaks: I've heard from the old friends Zoroastrians, admirers of stars, that in some days the Sun in the sky will be shaded. Neither Judaists, nor Romans know this. If you want, you may take it as a gift, as a sign confirming your words.

Last supper.
Jesus sits thoughtfully on a stone, Peter and Jacob approach to him: we shall sit with you, teacher. Jesus rises and speaks: tomorrow you go to the city, there will be a person carrying a jug of water (here we show: Peter and Jacob follow the man carrying a jug. The voice behind the screen continues: Follow him and where he will enter, tell the owner of a house: the Teacher asks to prepare a room. The old man opens a door. In the big dark room all apostles sit at the big table, on which the candle burns. In silver bowls already wine is poured, Jesus breaks bread on 12 parts, and everyone hands clockwise these slices and bowls. After it is completed, Jesus speaks: It is blood mine and flesh mine. You know, that in two days there will be Easter, and the son human will be crucified.
If you will be with me, and my word will be with you, then all what you wish, will come to you. My father will become famous, if you, my followers will bring a lot of fruit for that. As he loves me, I love you so. Friends I do not call you slaves any more for the slave has no concept what his mister does, but I have named you friends because Ive told you everything that Ive heard from my father. If the world hates you, know, that I was hated before you. If I have not come and did not speak, they would not know about sin, and now they have no pardon for their sins. Who hates me hates my father also. But the word written in the Writ will come true: they hated me vainly. When the consolation will come which I shall send you, the spirit of the truth, which from the father proceeds, will testify to me, and you will testify, because you are with me from the very beginning. But before this everyone, killing you, will think, that he serves to the God. My time has come, I should leave. What sense in a candle which stands under a table, and it is darkly in the house. It should be put on a table.
I know, that there is a hunt on me.
Judah, brother, you should go to the pontiffs and tell, where we are. I think, they will seize and judge me.
Judah rises: Teacher, why me?
- Because you are my best follower.
But I hope, that people will not give me to execute. I believe, that we have rescued many souls. They will judge me for I name myself Judaic king. And if people recognize me, I can make city of brotherly love here. Peter rises: Emmanuel, what are you speaking of! Jesus lifts hand: I shall continue. But I truly speak to you, it is better for you that I have gone, for if I shall not go, consolation will not come to you and if I shall go I shall send it to you. And it will convict the world in its sin and its truth. About a sin that they do not believe in me, about the truth, that I go to the father, and you will not see me. About trial, that prince of this world is condemned. Still much I have to tell you, but you now may not comprehend.

Brothers, if I shall die and live this earth and return to the heaven, preach my word, cure people, and revive dead. For nothing have received, for nothing give. Do not take with yourself gold and silver, neither two clothes, nor footwear. Entering into houses welcome owners, speaking: peace to your house. If the house deserves your peace come to it and if it is not, it will come back to you. If somebody will not accept you, leaving from this house, shake off a dust from your feet.
I send you, brothers, as sheep among wolves. So be sheep in the wolf skins. So be as wise, as snakes and as simple, as pigeons. Be careful of people for they will judge you and beat you in their temples. When they drive you out of one city, run in another.
Don't enjoy, that spirits obey you, but be pleased that your names are written on heavens.
Speaks happily: father, the lord of the sky and the ground, what you have concealed from wise and reasonable, you opened that to babies, father, heaven are open for children, but those, who sold the child in themselves, will not behold the God. Addresses to apostles: all is handed to me by the father, and nobody knows who is the son, except the father and who is the father, nobody knows, except the son and to whom the son wants to open.
I spoke you parables, but the time come, when I should tell you all. I came from the father to the world and again I leave the world and go to the father. The hour comes and it has come already, that you will dissipate and will leave me alone. But I am not alone, because my father is with me.
Addresses upwards: Father, an hour has come, glorify the son of yours, and the son will glorify you. As you have given him authority above any flesh, to everything, that you have given to him, he will give life eternal. I know this life is eternal because I know about you. And nowadays glorify me, Father, by fame which I had before lives of the world. I have transferred to them your words. And the world hate them, because they are not from this world, as well as me is not from this world. I do not ask, that you to take them from the world, but I ask, to keep them from evil and death. As you have sent me in the world, so I have sent them in the world. I am in them and you in me, yes we shall be perfect in unity.
Addresses again to apostles (close up of their faces): Brothers, I have told all this to you, for you have peace in me. In the world you will have grief, but take heart, I have won the world.
During speech faces of apostles, their hands, pieces of the shared bread and bowls of wine are shown.
Judah in a yellow coat, quickly, purposefully goes somewhere. His hair flutter. The clang of the weapon is heard. Judah stumbles, falls, the camera drives off, we see two legionaries lifting him, all they go further. Judah goes escorted by a group of legionaries. The sea of night fires on a night glade as stars in the sky. When Judah passes by fires, people sitting at them, rise.
Close up of Judah's face (en face). He is crying. The camera approaches to one of the fires, at which apostles sit, Jesus sit his back to us. He rises, turns around, sees Judah, surprises (close up). Judah stretches shivering hands, his face is deformed by a grimace of tragedy and a pain, we see tears. Jesus too as though stretches hands forward. Judah embraces him and sobs. The legionary approaches, flings Judah aside, he falls his face to the ground and continues to cry. At this time the legionary stretches a hand to Jesus to seize him, but Peter beats him. Snatches legionary's sword, beats him in a jaw, he falls. The second legionary by two hands wants to strike by a sword, but Peter bends down, leaving from impact, and sharp straightening of a back throws him through itself in a fire. He beats out his sword and beats on a helmet of one of the soldier, he falls. Another legionary runs up, but between them Jesus grows: omit a sword for everybody who have taken a sword, from a sword will dye. Really I should drink a bowl which was given me by Father?
Jesus is seized, and conducted in the same way back, people run in fear, and legionaries run for them.
The legionary catches hem of a blanket of a young man, it is torn off, he runs further naked.
In a synagogue is a meeting of high priests. Among them is Joseph from Arimaphea. One of them rises: today we should condemn this trouble-maker who tries to split belief of our ancestors. To quarrel us with each other to turn our, weakened by wars and gains but the god elected people to pity rabble. I want to give him out to Ponty Pilat's court as we ourselves may not punish. I think it is necessary to torture Jesus to open their plot as I believe, that Jesus was only the small fry in hands of spies and politicians. Torture until he names his accomplices. Doesn't matter whom they were and what post they occupied. Close up of Joseph's face. Jesus bound sits before him. Another priest stands up: there is a whitness that Jesus lied, distributed heresy and charlatanism. Another priest: pagan, you spoke, that you are the son divine! Jesus: and who I am? The security guard in Jewish clothes strikes him on a cheek with words: blasphemer! Jesus's head on a floor, legs of the security guard near it. Words behind the screen: How do you, talk with sacred people, tramp! Close up of Joseph's face, he lowers his eyes, another priest, sitting beside, writes something down and shakes his head to the security guard. He helpes Jesus to rise. Jesus answers: I respect sacred people who serve life to the God by their acts, search for truth and validity and consequently do not kowtow to authority on the earth. Also they have no need in ostentatious sanctity, do not achieve heights by servility.
- Jesus, I repeat a question, you speak, that you the son divine, explain.
- If the God is life, and life is given me by the father, why am I not the son divine. A pause, everyone is silent surprised. The same asks:
- Do you really believe?
- I do not believe, but I know.
- You mean that only you know about the God? And only in your way it is possible to comprehend?
Jesus is silent. Another priest: Is it truth that you, Jesus, spoke, that circumcision of babies is unnecessary?
- If the God has created them not circumcised so there is no need in this.
- Is it known to you, pagan that to represent the God is disgustingly to Judaic traditions? And among your pupils are distributed images of not only sacred, but also the God . Do you want to impose to our country Mitraism, and to separate judaic people?
- Not to separate, but to unit in love.
Rises very rich man: Is it truth that you've named yourself a judaic king for only kings can unite peoples? Are you a king?
- If you say that only king may make it, then I am a king.
All rustle and stamp their feet, rise from their places and direct to him. But the main judge speaks: in an impulse of anger we shall not kill, as the law forbids. We shall not take his blood on ourselves. But it is impossible to leave him, for his ideas are simple, and accessible to people. We shall declare, that he named himself the son divine and Judaic king. Let people decide. Let's give him out to Roman soldiers.
Sits behind bars. Doors open, the heavy security guard tears from him a blanket and, speaks pleased: If you are our king your clothes should be imperial! - gives him a costly coat. The soldier drives him to two ranks of Romans and pushes between them: your heavy way on a throne!
Soldiers beat him by batons, but many do not beat. Someone slightly strikes him, but without cruelty though there are very strong strokes from which he falls. But other soldiers lift him up, and he, unsteady, goes further. Jesus has time to whisper: brothers...
Some spit on him, kick and laugh, someone has jerked from him a coat, which is torn to souvenirs.
People which have gathered around the soldiers, finger at him and laugh.
Jesus runs naked, closing his head by hands . Now he already creeps by the ground all in blood (shoot from behind soldier's legs). The laugh of soldiers and children is heard.
After Ponty Pilat goes out on a porch in a white clothes with the Roman ornament escorted by an officer, the crowd ceases to laugh.
He approaches to Jesus, lifts him, gives him his own coat and turns to the crowd: in what fair citizens, you accuse this person? His voice is senile.
High priests appear. People shout: he named himself the son divine and Judaic king. But we did not select him king. He spoke, that he will raze to the ground our temples, and new in three days will construct. He spoke that destroying old is creating. Pilat speaks: so you take him and judge him. People are silent. Pilat asks: why do you think you're king? Jesus: my empire is not on the earth, it is not from this world. Look at the sky, there are all the hopes, it is the country of our dreams. When there is no place to escape from envy and violence of the world, only kingdom of heaven accepts those, who live by dream and hope. If my empire would be on the earth all would stand up for me, and I would not be devoted by people.
- I heard, that you wanted to change the world.
- Not the world, but the world of people.
- You are clever, but whether you know, that I have power to crucify you and power to allow you from?
- You have no power, but the God has. Therefore there is no fault in you, but the fault is in people which have betrayed.
Pilat addresses to people: citizens of Judea, Jesus is clever and kind man, and I have not found any fault in there for a death penalty. But people shout: Death to him! Women look at them and shout also: Death to him! Children look at parents and shout: Death to him! One small child duplicates serious expression of his father, shout. Pilat rises his hand, everyone became silent: citizens of Judea, today - a holiday before Easter, and, on tradition, you can allow one man from to freedom. He waves a hand, and from dungeon Varrava is conducted, hr is huge, with the awful person. He rustles shackles, some legionaries round of him. He smiles impudently.
- Choose, whom of them to let off. The murderer and tyrant Varrava, or Jesus?
Everyone shout: let Varava off! Pilat addresses to people again:
- You have led to me this man, as corrupting people. Once again I speak to you, that I have not found this person guilty what you accuse him.
Irod with Joseph from Arimaphea speaks: nothing is found, worthy death. To Pilat his beautiful wife approaches: Please don't execute him.
Pilat: then I let him off. But people yell in a hysterics even more loudly: crucify him! Furious faces of old men and women, close up. Pilat shows a sign, servants bring water, pour water on his hands. Ponty washes hands, lifts them upwards, the crowd calmes: I am not guilty in this blood. Someone from crowd shouts: let, his blood on us! Angry old woman supports him. High priests bring to a paper with a pen, Pilat undersigns it.
All shout: women, children. In crowd is shown the girl sitting on father's neck with estrangement, and tears on her face. One shouting man is shown, the camera goes by his hand holding a children's hand of the pretty Jewish boy.
The road. Jesus carries a huge cross on his shoulders which is dragged by the ground. On each sides of the road is crowd. After Jesus go some horsemen - officers. Jesus falls, they again impose a cross on him, he drags further. His cape becames dirty, bloody. Close up of his hands, face, legs, faces of legionaries. Someone looks with sympathy, someone from crowd laughs at him. Someone throws in him a stone, but the Roman officer whips him by a lash. The crowd wants to approach more close, but officers disperse it. One man suddenly breaks out, he has? but? stroken by a lash falls. Rises, runs up to Jesus and carries his cross together with him. And they silently go further together. And Jesus livens, his face lights up, despite of weight of a cross. A voice behind the screen: Oh, My God, could I dream of such a happiness as to go silently with this man. Maybe for the sake of these moment I lived and struggled.
Camera is from above so only heads and a cross floating upwards is visible, it gradually goes upwards the screen.
Through the crowd runs a woman in black. She slips, falls and runs again. The woman is old, ugly. She is Jesus's mother. When she can't squeeze through crowd, she pushes and shouts. Knock of a hammer and shout reaches her. Her running is dragged out. The cross rises. She shouts and falls. Crawls on all fours to a cross and cries loudly. People part. She does not see his face, but only a cross. The camera from her side shows this track to the cross, which as though has been cut through the crowd. She rises slowly and as mad, slowly goes, stretching hands towards him. Maybe she is blind, goes, as though to the touch. Her hair are tousled. Her black coat inflates a dusty wind. If eyes are blind show them close up. Close up of shivering hands, fingers stretched to him. Tears in eyes. And at the same time - pleasure on her face that she has found him. She whispers: sonny...
Camera from Jesus's side: he sees her eyes close up, and the camera drives off, we see again crowd, a corridor in it. Jesus lowers his head, as though bowing to her. The woman goes, her face lucid though in tears, she whispers: My God, son, at last I have found you, you see I searched you for all my life. I and knew, that you will be here.
People, seeing an eclipse, sigh in confusion and fear, someone from crowd, may be one of apostles shouts: he is really the son divine!
And, while she approaches to him, the sun gradually is covered.
Jesus sees an eclipse and whispers: My God, do not leave me. My God, do not leave me.


Voice behind the screen: his followers have formed a commune near the dead sea and lived there in brotherly love and harmony.

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